The school year is wrapping up at the GLP. Classes have been done for a week, but the system here is a bit curious. We teachers not only have to finish grading lab and assignments, and mark final exams, but also write progress reports, submit performance based materials, and submit syllabi for the school calendar and another set for the AP curriculum. Basically I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. But now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it looks glorious.
On top of that, today I was a member of the disciplinary committee. This was one of the longest hearings during the busiest time of the year. For me, a new teacher, it was interesting to witness, but it could have waited. Our school has a very judicial approach to the whole affair. Students write a letter detailing the event, and there is a committee meeting where the facts are presented. Each student gets to explain themselves, and their mentor also speaks on their behalf. Furthermore, everything is done to keep things as confidential as possible. Very different from my experience as the student council president in my high school, which was confidential, but not nearly as supportive for the defendants. I applaud the other committee members for their dedication to the protocol. It was my initiation and they helped me through the whole thing.
This was also the last night for Wednesday night suppers with my colleagues We went to our favourite bbq place. We talked about computer programming, patents, and some politics. Just a great end to the year. It is a tradition I will miss over the next few weeks.
Well that is enough for now.