Friday, February 28, 2014

Adventures in Bali

Earlier this year, Team JMS spent some time regrouping in Bali, Indonesia. It was a much needed break after our crazy end of term. Some highlights include soaking in the culture in Ubud, white water rafting on the Ayung river, hiking Mount Batur (a volcano) for sunrise, taking the Lobong Balinese cooking class, and getting our PADI Open Water Diver certification with World Diving in Nusa Lembongan. It was great to take some time out for the two of us. Check out our pics below!

Team JMS

- - Ubud - -

We stayed in a really nice hotel for a night in Ubud ...

 ... with an outdoor shower! It was the coolest feature.

Ubud Palace
Monkeys on a roof!
Rafting with friends!

- - Hiking Mount Batur - -

Sunrise over Lake Batur, mountain peaks in the distance from Lombok Island

Offering to the Gods on the top of the mountain
Volcanic steam

 Volcanic steam and walking along a tiny ridge

On solid ground! With Mount Batur in the background

 - - Lobong Cooking Experience - -
     We started with a trip to the local market to buy the ingredients for the meal.

 Then we got to preparing the courses!

Once everything was ready, we made an offering to the Gods at the family's temple, and then we ate!


- - Nusa Lembongan - -
   Getting ready to dive!


After we passed our course, we rented scooters to tour the island. We ended up on the smaller, but taller Nusa Ceningan island where there were some great views, and we found our way to Devil's Peak where the waves and surge were incredible.

Devil's Peak

One last drink on the beach
We love Nusa Lembongan!

Freedom! (Meet Gremlin)

As is very common when you are an expat living in Korea, a friend of ours recently finished her contract and decided to move on. What is always a sad happening offered JM and I the opportunity to gain some freedom. We purchased her scooter and have been touring around town on two wheels. It's great to have the freedom to go where we want, when we want! Also, with my sporadic work schedule, having transportation to get to and from home is awesome. Biking to work was a great workout, but teaching when you are sweaty is not ideal. I'm very happy to have my own scooter!

Team JMS

Meet Gremlin!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A much needed break ...

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to apologize for the lack of communication. After the death of my grandfather and the grueling first semester teaching at University, I did not have the energy to blog much. There are a few posts that were drafted, but never published. I spent the winter holidays in India on a personal journey, sans JM, in search of inner peace because losing my grandfather and being unable to go home to say goodbye rocked my world (and not in the good way). Now that I am back from India, I will slowly be updating the blog.

Thanks for your patience and your continued support. Team JMS loves to hear from you and know that you are keeping up with us.

Sending positive energy from Korea,
