Growing up. Getting older. Earning your wrinkles. Obtaining wisdom and the right to pass gas in public. Alright, maybe I'm not there yet but birthdays never seem to get easier. That is, when you feel you have no direction in your life, a birthday is just the marking of another failed year past rather than a celebration. A year and a half ago, New Years Day 2011, I sat in a coffee shop with my dear friend Mallory discussing the future. Neither of us had a 5-year plan, heck we weren't even sure when we'd finish our degrees. But I told her my vision for the next 18 months. I would finish this darn thesis by the end of the year, if it was the last thing I'd do, I would take some linguistics classes in the winter semester of 2012, graduate that summer and move to Korea to teach English in September. And here's the best part: my plan came true! Everything I set out to do, in the time limit I set for myself, happened. Oh wait, there was one unexpected thing that I didn't plan for - I met a wonderful boy who fit right in and he's coming to Korea with me! I don't think I could have asked for a more complete year. It started with a bang too - last year I met my childhood idol Bill Nye The Science Guy on my birthday and he signed my t-shirt. Twenty-five was great, and I'm looking forward to 26. Hey! That feels good. It's been a while since I was able to say that.
My birthday is not actually going to be the most fun day. Because we are moving abroad, I have to get all my vaccines up to date. And I'm due for a booster shot (the tetanus one) and they want to test me for immunity to MMR. Ughh needles. But I did get an oral vaccine for typhoid fever and traveller's D + cholera. Yay for oral vaccines! And I have to get a chest x-ray. My guess is to show I don't have TB, but hasn't Korea heard of the skin test?? I'm also waiting in line to get my license plates renewed. Today is the only day I'm in Ontario all month, so it's the day to get health and car stuff taken care of.
Well, it's only noon and I managed to get all my errands done! Great Scott! Now I'm off to help my mom move into her new home. Tonight we have dinner plans in Toronto with my good friend Sandhya and a movie about a male stripper comes out today, so what better way to celebrate?!
Bye for now,
June 29, 2011 - Meeting Bill Nye on my 25th birthday |
June 29, 2012 - This year my dad got me a cake and it was delicious! |
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