Saturday, February 9, 2013

Valentine's Day!

Not a day we have celebrated in the past (*cough* JM forgot), we decided to get dolled up this year and go out for a nice pre-Valentine's dinner in Cheonan before I left for Thailand. What started out lovely, ended up with me face planting on the icy sidewalk. But more about that later ...

We headed out to A Bis, a fancy Italian restaurant in Cheonan that has a unique atmosphere. The building is a house. A HOUSE. There are no houses in Korea that are traditional by western standards, but this building looks like a house/chalet from the Swiss Alps. And so, it became an Italian restaurant. The inside was so cute, with lots of period decor. We ordered a pasta and a salad to share and I was pleasantly surprised. The cheese was good, and the pasta was not over cooked (I like it al dente).

On the way home from our romantic dinner, my fears were realized. In Cheonan, the genius planners decided to line the sidewalk with marble. Yes, slippery when wet marble. So in the winters, or when it rains, the edge of the sidewalk is especially slippery. And you can imagine that on a fancy date night, I ate it pretty hard off the edge of the sidewalk and onto my knees. I could barely walk after and I had tears streaming down my face. Sadly, the evening was kind of ruined. But the dinner was good! :)

I love you Jean-Marc-y!

Fancied up!

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